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Competency Based Training Qualifications

IDQualification NameTrade NameCompetency StandardAP-FormativeAP-SummativeCurriculumTraining Learning Document
CBT00013DModellingandGameDevelopmentLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0002AgriculturalMachineryTechnologyAgricultural Machinery HelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0003AgriculturalMachineryTechnologyAgricultural Machinery OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0004AgriculturalMachineryTechnologyAgricultural Machinery TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0005AgriculturalMachineryTechnologyAgricultural Machinery MechanicLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0006AgricultureSoilwaterTestingSoil, Water and Fertilizer Testing Lab TechnicianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0007AgricultureSoilwaterTestingSoil, Water and Fertilizer Testing Lab TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0008AgricultureSoilwaterTestingSoil, Water and Fertilizer Testing Lab TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0009AgricultureSoilwaterTestingSoil, Water and Fertilizer Testing Lab TechnicianLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0010AndroidApplicationDeveloperJunior AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0011AndroidApplicationDeveloperAndroid Application Developer AssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0012AndroidApplicationDeveloperAndroid Application DeveloperLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0013ArtificialIntelligenceBasic Python DeveloperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0014ArtificialIntelligenceIntermediate Python DeveloperLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0015ArtificialIntelligenceAssistant AI SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0016ArtificialIntelligenceAI SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0017AutoElectricianAutomobile ElectricianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0018AutoElectricianAutomobile ElectricianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0019AutomationandProcessControlAssistant Automation TechnicianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0020AutomationandProcessControlSenior Automation TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0021AutomationandProcessControlAutomation SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0022AutomobileTechAssistant Technician AutomobileLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0023AutomobileTechAutomobile TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0024AutomobileTechAssistant Supervisor AutomobileLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0025AutomobileTechSupervisor AutomobileLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0026AutomotivePartsProductionMachineHelperLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0027AutomotivePartsProductionMachineMachinistLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0028BuildingElectricianHelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0029BuildingElectricianAssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0030BuildingElectricianSupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0031BuildingPaintingDecoratingPainter HelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0032BuildingPaintingDecoratingPainterLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0033BuildingPaintingDecoratingArchitect SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0034CabinetMakerHelperLevel 2Level 2
CBT0035CabinetMakerAssistantLevel 3Level 3
CBT0036CabinetMakerSupervisorLevel 4Level 4
CBT0037CADCAMvalidated2022Junior DraftsmanLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0038CADCAMvalidated2022CAD OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0039CADCAMvalidated2022CAD/CAM TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0040CADCAMvalidated2022CAD/CAM SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0041CeramicsFinalGlass & Ceramics HelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0042CeramicsFinalGlass & Ceramics AssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0043CeramicsFinalGlass & Ceramics OperatorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0044CeramicsFinalGlass & Ceramics Assistant Technical Officer/SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0045CivilTechnologySite assistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0046CivilTechnologyAssistant surveyorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0047CivilTechnologySupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0048CivilTechnologysurveyorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0049CloudComputingJunior Cloud AdministratorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0050ComputerOperatorJuniorNetworkTechnicianGenericJunior Network TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0051ConstructionMaterialTestingConstruction Materials SamplerLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0052ConstructionMaterialTestingConstruction Materials AssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0053ConstructionMaterialTestingConstruction Materials TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0054ConstructionMaterialTestingConstruction Materials SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0055ConstructionTechnologyHelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0056ConstructionTechnologyAssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0057ConstructionTechnologyTechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0058ConstructionTechnologySupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0059ContentWritingCopywriterLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0060ContentWritingFreelance WriterLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0061ContentWritingTechnical WriterLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0062ContentWritingCreative WriterLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0063CropProtectionLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0064CropProtectionLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0065CrushPlanOperatorCrush Plant AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0066CrushPlanOperatorCrush Plant OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0067CrushPlanOperatorCrushing Plant Technician/SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0068CrushPlanOperatorCrush Plant Site ManagerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0069CyberSecurityandNetworksLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0070DBADataAnalystLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0071DesignECommerceandDigitalMarketingDEDLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0072DiesandMouldMachinistLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0073DiesandMouldCNC MachinistLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0074DiesandMouldCAD/CAM SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0075DiesandMouldAssociate EngineerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0076DiggerOperatorTechnologyAssistant Digger OperatorLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0077DiggerOperatorTechnologyDigger/Excavator OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0078DiggerOperatorTechnologyAssistant Operational SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0079DiggerOperatorTechnologyOperational SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0080DigitalMarketingContent WriterLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0081DigitalMarketingJunior Digital MarketerLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0082DigitalMarketingSenior Digital MarketerLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0083DigitalMarketingDigital Marketing ExpertLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0084DomesticWorkerDomestic Worker (Basic)Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0085ECCEValidationECCE Assistant Teacher/EducatorLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0086ECCEValidationECCE Teacher/EducatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0087ECCEValidationECCE Teacher TrainerLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0088EcommerceAmazonWholesaleLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0089EcommerceAmazonPrivate LabelLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0090EcommerceAmazonVirtual AssistantLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0091ELECTRICALSEPARATORWORKSHOPDomestic Wiring ElectricianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0092ELECTRICALSEPARATORWORKSHOPElectric Lab TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0093ELECTRICALSEPARATORWORKSHOPIndustrial ElectricianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0094ELECTRICALSEPARATORWORKSHOPElectrical SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0095ElectricalTechnologyHelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0096ElectricalTechnologyAssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0097ElectricalTechnologySupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0098ElectronicTechnologyJunior TechnicianLevel 2Level 2
CBT0099ElectronicTechnologyElectronics TechnicianLevel 3Level 3
CBT0100ElectronicTechnologySenior Electronics TechnicianLevel 4Level 4
CBT0101ElectronicTechnologyAssociate Engineer /Electronics SupervisorLevel 5Level 5
CBT0102FashionDesignJunior Assistant fashion DesignerLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0103FashionDesignAssistant Dress DesignerLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0104FashionDesignAssociate Fashion DesignerLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0105FashionDesignAssistant Fashion DesignerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0106FineArtsCeramistCeramistLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0107FineArtsPaintingPaintingLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0108FoodTechnologyFood Technology (Lab Attendant)Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0109FoodTechnologyFood Technology (Lab Assistant)Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0110FoodTechnologyFood Technology (Lab Technician)Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0111FoodTechnologyFood Technology (Lab Supervisor)Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0112FreightForwardingShippingFreight Forwarding & Shipping AssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0113FreightForwardingShippingFreight Forwarding & Shipping AssociateLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0114FullStackDeveloperLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0115FurnitureTechnicianHelper / CarpenterLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0116FurnitureTechnicianFinisher Upholster / Metal Furniture FabricatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0117FurnitureTechnicianCAD/CAM OperatorLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0118GarmentsTechnologyLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0119GarmentsTechnologyIndustrial Stitching Machine OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0120GarmentsTechnologyGarments Assistant SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0121GarmentsTechnologyGarments SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0122GeneralElectricianDomestic ElectricianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0123GeneralElectricianIndustrial ElectricianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0124GeneralElectricianIndustrial ElectricianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0125GeneralElectricianElectrical SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0126GeneralFitterGeneral Fitter (Basic)Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0127GeneralFitterGeneral Fitter (Advance)Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0128GraphicsDesigningLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0129GraphicsDesigningLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0130GraphicsDesigningLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0131GraphicsDesigningLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0132HairBeautyServicesJunior Artist/TherapistLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0133HairBeautyServicesSenior ArtistLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0134HairBeautyServicesAssistant Salon ManagerLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0135HairBeautyServicesManagerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0136HandMachineEmbrioderyHand EmbroideryLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0137HandMachineEmbrioderyMachine EmbroideryLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0138HandMachineEmbrioderyMachine EmbroideryLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0139HeaveMachineOperatorHelper / Heavy Machine WorkerLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0140HeaveMachineOperatorHeavy Machine OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0141HeaveMachineOperatorExpert Heavy Machine OperatorLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0142HOTELMANAGEMENTJunior AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0143HOTELMANAGEMENTSenior AssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0144HOTELMANAGEMENTSupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0145HOTELMANAGEMENTManagerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0146HVACRHVACR Technician (Domestic)Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0147HVACRHVACR Technician (Commercial)Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0148HVACRHVACR InstallerLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0149HVACRIndustrial HVACR TechnicianLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0150HVACR2HVACR Technician (Domestic)Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0151HVACR2HVACR Technician (Commercial)Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0152HVACR2HVACR InstallerLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0153HVACR2Industrial HVACR TechnicianLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0154ICTSeperatorOffice ProfessionalLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0155ICTSeperatorNetwork TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0156ICTSeperatorGraphic Designer / Java ProgrammerLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0157ICTSeperatorNetwork Administrator / Web DeveloperLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0158ImportExportImport Export AttendentLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0159ImportExportImport Export AssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0160ImportExportImport Export SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0161ImportExportImport Export ManagerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0162IndustrialElectricianDomestic ElectricianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0163IndustrialElectricianIndustrial ElectricianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0164IndustrialElectricianIndustrial ElectricianLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0165IndustrialMerchandiserTrainee / Junior MerchandiserLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0166IndustrialMerchandiserAssistant MerchandiserLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0167IndustrialMerchandiserMerchandiserLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0168InsdustrialGarmentExpertLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0169InsdustrialGarmentExpertIndustrial Stitching Machine OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0170InsdustrialGarmentExpertGarments Assistant SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0171InstrumentationTechnologyInstrument OperatorLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0172InstrumentationTechnologyAssistant TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0173InstrumentationTechnologyInstrumentation TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0174InstrumentationTechnologySenior Instrumentation TechnicianLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0175InternetofThingsIoTJr. Network Support TechnicianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0176InternetofThingsIoTJr. IoT DeveloperLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0177InternetofThingsIoTIoT DeveloperLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0178InternetofThingsIoTIoT AdministratorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0179JewelleryCADCAMJewellery CAD-CAMLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0180JewleryElectroPlatingJewellery ElectroplatingLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0181LeatherProcessingTechnologistLeather Processing Mechanical OperatorLevel 2Level 2
CBT0182LeatherProcessingTechnologistLeather Tanning TechnicianLevel 3Level 3
CBT0183LeatherProcessingTechnologistLeather Processing & Quality AssociateLevel 4Level 4
CBT0184LeatherProductDevelopmentStitcherLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0185LeatherProductDevelopmentPattern MakerLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0186LeatherProductDevelopmentComputerized Pattern DesignerLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0187LivestockFarmManagerLivestock Farm AttendantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0188LivestockFarmManagerLivestock Farm TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0189LivestockFarmManagerLivestock Farm AssistantLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0190LivestockFarmManagerLivestock Farm SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0191MarbleTechnicianMarble TechnicianLevel 1Level 1Level 1Level 1Level 1
CBT0192MarbleTechnicianMarble TechnicianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0193MarbleTechnicianMarble TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0194MarbleTechnicianMarble TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0195MeatTechnologyAssistant Slaughterer/HelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0196MeatTechnologyMeat Cutter/ Meat Packer/ ButcherLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0197MeatTechnologyAssistant Meat Processor / Assistant SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0198MeatTechnologySupervisor/Assistant Line InspectorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0199MechanicalTechnologyAssistant MechanicLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0200MechanicalTechnologyMechanicLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0201MechanicalTechnologyAssistant Supervisor MechanicalLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0202MechanicalTechnologySupervisor MechanicalLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0203MechatronicsMechatronics OperatorLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0204MechatronicsJunior Mechatronics TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0205MechatronicsSenior Mechatronics TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0206MechatronicsMechatronics SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0207MediaProductionVideo EditorLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0208MediaProductionProfessional PhotographerLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0209MediaProductionProfessional VideographerLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0210MediaProductionManage ProjectLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0211MetalFormingProcessingMetal processing and forming assistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0212MetalFormingProcessingMetal processing and forming TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0213MetalFormingProcessingMetal processing and forming Sr TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0214MetalFormingProcessingMetal processing and forming SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0215MetallurgyandMetalCastingJr Technician in Metallurgy and Metal castingLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0216MetallurgyandMetalCastingAssistant Foreman in Metallurgy and Metal castingLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0217MetallurgyandMetalCastingForeman in Metallurgy and Metal castingLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0218MetallurgyandMetalCastingAssociate Engineer in Metallurgy and Metal castingLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0219MiningTechnologyworker/loaderLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0220MiningTechnologyMining TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0221MiningTechnologyMining Surveyor SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0222MiningTechnologyManager Mining /Site In chargeLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0223MobileAppDeveloperLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0224MobileAppWebGameDevelopmentComputer AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0225MobileAppWebGameDevelopmentJunior ProgrammerLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0226MobileAppWebGameDevelopmentTheme DeveloperLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0227MobileAppWebGameDevelopmentFull Stack DeveloperLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0228MotorcycleMechanicJr. Technican / Jr. Motorcycle MechanicLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0229MotorcycleMechanicMotorcycle Mechanic / TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0230NetworkingcloudcomputingJr. Network TechnicianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0231NetworkingcloudcomputingAssistant ProgrammerLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0232NetworkingcloudcomputingJunior Network Infrastructure AdministratorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0233NetworkingcloudcomputingSystem and Network Administrator (Cloud Computing)Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0234PesticideFertilizerTechnicianPesticides and Fertilizer workerLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0235PesticideFertilizerTechnicianPesticides and Fertilizer TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0236PesticideFertilizerTechnicianPesticides and Fertilizer AssistantLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0237PesticideFertilizerTechnicianPesticides and Fertilizer SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0238PinenutProcessorPine nut / Chillgoza Processor WorkerLevel 2Level 2
CBT0239PinenutProcessorPine nut / Chillgoza Processor AssistantLevel 3Level 3
CBT0240PinenutProcessorPine nut / Chillgoza Processor SupervisorLevel 4Level 4
CBT0241PipeFitterHelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0242PipeFitterAssistant PipefitterLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0243PipeFitterPipefitterLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0244PlasticProcessorWorker / Machine OperatorLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0245PlasticProcessorProduction TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0246PlasticProcessorProduction ExpertLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0247PlumbingInSolarWaterHeatingHelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0248PlumbingInSolarWaterHeatingAssistantLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0249PlumbingInSolarWaterHeatingTechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0250PostPrintingPressJunior Binder/Assistant Post PressLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0251PostPrintingPressBinder / Post Press OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0252PostPrintingPressSenior Binder / Senior Post Press OperatorLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0253PostPrintingPressIn-charge Post press OperationsLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0254PoultaryFarmManagementPoultry AttendantLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0255PoultaryFarmManagementHead WorkerLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0256PoultaryFarmManagementAssistant SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0257PoultaryFarmManagementSupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0258ProfessionalChefCommi-3 / Demi ChefLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0259ProfessionalChefDemi Chef de partieLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0260ProfessionalChefChef de partieLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0261ProfessionalChefSous ChefLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0262RetailManagementJunior Sales Officer (Retail)Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0263RetailManagementSales Officer (Retail)Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0264RetailManagementAssistant Operational ManagerLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0265RetailManagementFloor In charge/ Operational ManagerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0266RoboticsRobotics OperatorLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0267RoboticsJunior Robotics TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0268RoboticsRobotics TechnicianLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0269RoboticsRobotics SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0270SatelliteDishInstallerSatellite Dish InstallerLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0271SatelliteDishInstallerSatellite Dish InstallerLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0272SatelliteDishInstallerSatellite Dish InstallerLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0273ScreenPrintingandGraphicDesignSPScreen PrinterLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0274ScreenPrintingandGraphicDesignSPGraphic Designer (Screen Printing)Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0275SecuirtyServicesSecurity Guards (Armed/Un-armed)Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0276SecuirtyServicesSecurity SupervisorLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0277SecuirtyServicesSecurity OfficerLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0278SecuirtyServicesSecurity ManagerLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0279SeedProcessingSeed Production AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0280SeedProcessingSeed Processing TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0281SeedProcessingSeed sorting & warehouse supervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0282SeedProcessingBio Technology & Tissue Culture SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0283ShoeTechnicianShoe StitchingLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0284ShoeTechnicianShoe MouldingLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0285ShoeTechnicianShoe LastingLevel 4Level 4
CBT0286SolarPVPanelHelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0287SolarPVPanelTechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0288SolarPVPanelSupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0289SteelErectorSteel Erector AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0290SteelErectorSteel Erector TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0291SteelErectorSteel Erector supervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0292SurgicalInstrumentInstrument MakerLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0293SurgicalInstrumentSurgical ForgerLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0294SurgicalInstrumentSupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0295TelecommunicationLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0296TextileDesigningTextile designing AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0297TextileDesigningTextile designing Junior ExpertLevel 3Level 3
CBT0298TextileDesigningTextile Designing ExpertLevel 4Level 4
CBT0299TextileDesigningTextile Designing SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0300TextileMarchandisingAssistant MerchandiserLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0301TextileMarchandisingJunior MerchandiserLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0302TextileMarchandisingSenior MerchandiserLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0303TextileMarchandisingAssociate MerchandiserLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0304TextileWeavingTextile Weaving Machine OperatorLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0305TextileWeavingTextile Weaving Machine MechanicLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0306TextileWetProcessingTextile wet processing Assistant/ HelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0307TextileWetProcessingTextile wet processing OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0308TextileWetProcessingTextile wet processing ExpertLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0309TextileWetProcessingTextile Wet Processing SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0310TourismManagementTourism Transport AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0311TourismManagementTour GuideLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0312TourismManagementAssistant Tour ManagerLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0313TourismManagementTour ManagerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0314TunnelFarmingandAgriBusinessFarm HelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0315TunnelFarmingandAgriBusinessGreen House OperatorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0316TunnelFarmingandAgriBusinessTunnel Fitter /FabricatorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0317TunnelFarmingandAgriBusinessTunnel Farm & Agri Business SupervisorLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0318UrbanAreaManagementField AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0319UrbanAreaManagementAssistant SupervisorLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0320UrbanAreaManagementUrban Area SupervisorLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0321UrbanAreaManagementUrban Area ManagerLevel 5Level 5Level 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0322WaterQualityResourceManagementWater Quality and Resource Management) - AssistantLevel 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0323WaterQualityResourceManagementWater Quality SurveyorLevel 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0324WaterQualityResourceManagementLab AnalystLevel 4Level 4Level 4
CBT0325WaterQualityResourceManagementSupervisor-Water Treatment TechnicianLevel 5Level 5Level 5
CBT0326WelderWelder Flat 1F 1G & Horizontal 2F 2G PositionsLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0327WelderVertical 3F 3G and Overhead 4F 4GLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0328WelderWelder - All Positions 6GLevel 4Level 4
CBT0329WoodworksCarpentry HelperLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
CBT0330WoodworksCarpentry TechnicianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
CBT0331WoodworksCarpentry Supervisor/ForemanLevel 4Level 4Level 4Level 4Level 4
IDQualification NameCompetency StandardsAP-FormativeAP-SummativeCurriculumTraining Learning Document
RCBT0001CropProtectionLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
RCBT0002CropProtectionLevel 3Level 3
RCBT0003GeneralElectricianLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
RCBT0004GeneralElectricianLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
RCBT0005HVACRLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
RCBT0006HVACRLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3
RCBT0007MotorcycleMechanicLevel 2Level 2Level 2Level 2
RCBT0008MotorcycleMechanicLevel 3Level 3Level 3Level 3

List of Approved Trades - Prime Minister’s Youth Skill Development [PMYSD] (2023-24) (Batch-I)

1ConventionalAdvanced Welding [SMAW & GTAW (6G & 6GR)]06 Months
2ConventionalArtificial Insemination06 Months
3ConventionalAuto CAD (Construction, Mechanical, Electrical)03 Months
4ConventionalAuto Electrician03 Months
5ConventionalAuto Mechanic (Diesel / Petrol)06 Months
6ConventionalBakery & Pastry Making03 Months
7ConventionalBeautician03 Months
8ConventionalComputer Applications (Jaws Software)03 Months
9ConventionalComputerized Accounting (Peachtree; Quickbook)03 Months
10ConventionalDriver (HTV)03 Months
11ConventionalFarm Manager/Tunnel Farming06 Months
12ConventionalFashion Design & Dress Making06 Months
13ConventionalFront Desk Manager / Receptionist03 Months
14ConventionalFruit Plants Pruning, Budding & Layering Techniques03 Months
15ConventionalGemstone Cutting and Polishing06 Months
16ConventionalGeneral Electrician06 Months
17ConventionalHand & Machine Embroidery03 Months
18ConventionalHeating Ventilation, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (HVACR)06 Months
19ConventionalHeavy Machinery Operator (including Bulldozer, Loader, Crane, Dozzier06 Months
20ConventionalHome Appliance Repair & Maintenance06 Months
21ConventionalHybrid Seed Production & Contract Farming03 Months
22ConventionalMachinist06 Months
23ConventionalMobile Phone Repairing03 Months
24ConventionalMotorcycle Mechanic06 Months
25ConventionalPlumber / Pipe Fitter06 Months
26ConventionalPlumbing & Solar Water Heating Technician06 Months
27ConventionalProfessional Chef06 Months
28ConventionalSecurity Guard03 Months
29ConventionalTissue Culture03 Months
30ConventionalUPS & Solar PV Technician03 Months
31ConventionalVeterinary, Poultry & Dairy Assistants03 Months
32ConventionalWelder (TIG, SMAW,MIG, SAW, ARC)06 Months
33High-End3D Animation (Realistic rendering)03 Months
34High-EndAdvanced CAD/CAM03 Months
35High-EndAdvanced CNC06 Months
36High-EndAdvanced Electronics (PCB Design & Fabrication)03 Months
37High-EndAmazon Virtual Assistant03 Months
38High-EndArtificial Intelligence (Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Communication03 Months
39High-EndArtificial Intelligence (Robotics)03 Months
40High-EndAutomotive Mechatronics06 Months
41High-EndBarista Skills (Fast Food)03 Months
42High-EndBlock Chain Programming03 Months
43High-EndCare Worker06 Months
44High-EndCertificate in IT (Web Development)03 Months
45High-EndCertificate in Korean Language06 Months
46High-EndComputerized Brail Composition06 Months
47High-EndCooking / Chef06 Months
48High-EndCulinary Arts - Chef De Partie03 Months
49High-EndCulinary Arts - Professional Cook03 Months
50High-EndCustomer Services & Sales Representation03 Months
51High-EndData Mining / Business Intelligence03 Months
52High-EndDigital and Precision Agriculture03 Months
53High-EndDigital Marketing & Search Engine Optimization (SEO)03 Months
54High-EndDocumentary & Film Making (Digital Broadcasting)06 Months
55High-EndDomestic Electrical Appliances Technicians03 Months
56High-EndDrone Applications in Agriculture03 Months
57High-EndEarly Childhood Education06 Months
58High-EndeCommerce03 Months
59High-EndElectric Arc Welding & Co2c For Ship Building06 Months
60High-EndEnergy Efficiency Management03 Months
61High-EndEnglish Language (IELTS / PSL)06 Months
62High-EndFiber Optic Technician03 Months
63High-EndGerman Language (B5)06 Months
64High-EndGraphic Design (Print Media)03 Months
65High-EndGraphic Design and Video Editing03 Months
66High-EndGraphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)03 Months
67High-EndGym Trainer03 Months
68High-EndHigh-tech Automotive Technician06 Months
69High-EndIndustrial Automation (PLC/HMI/SCADA)06 Months
70High-EndIndustrial Electrician03 Months
71High-EndIndustrial Stitching Machine Operator06 Months
72High-EndIntelligent Hybrid & Electric Vehicles06 Months
73High-EndInterior Designing06 Months
74High-EndInternet of Things (IoT) System Development & Applications03 Months
75High-EndJapanese Language (N4)06 Months
76High-EndNetwork Administrator (CISCO, HUAWEI, IBM)03 Months
77High-EndOverhead Crane Operator in shipping industry03 Months
78High-EndProfessional Photography, Documentary Ad Making03 Months
79High-EndProgrammable Logical Controller (PLC)03 Months
80High-EndRestaurant Manager03 Months
81High-EndSmart IoT Technologies for Agriculture03 Months
82High-EndSports Trainer03 Months
83High-EndTextile Designing with CAD03 Months
84High-EndTravel and Tourism Manager Program03 Months
85High-Tech ( IT )Advance Python Programming & Applications03 Months
86High-Tech ( IT )Advance Web application Development03 Months
87High-Tech ( IT )Advanced programming/ Coding (Machine Learning; Data Mining)03 Months
88High-Tech ( IT )Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)01 Month
89High-Tech ( IT )Android Java + Database03 Months
90High-Tech ( IT )Big Data Analytic Technique01 Month
91High-Tech ( IT )Certificate in SAP (ERP)03 Months
92High-Tech ( IT )Certified Project Management Professional01 Month
93High-Tech ( IT )Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)01 Month
94High-Tech ( IT )Cloud Computing03 Months
95High-Tech ( IT )Cloud Computing - AWS03 Months
96High-Tech ( IT )Cloud Computing - Google03 Months
97High-Tech ( IT )Cloud Computing - Microsoft03 Months
98High-Tech ( IT )Cyber Security (CEH, CHFI)03 Months
99High-Tech ( IT )Database Administration (DBA Track)03 Months
100High-Tech ( IT )Digital Forensic & Cyber Security03 Months
101High-Tech ( IT )Docker Certified Associate03 Months
102High-Tech ( IT )Full Stack Development03 Months
103High-Tech ( IT )Game Development03 Months
104High-Tech ( IT )Google UX Design03 Months
105High-Tech ( IT )iOS Objective C01 Month
106High-Tech ( IT )ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level01 Month
107High-Tech ( IT )Javascript Fullstack (e.g. MEAN/MERN)03 Months
108High-Tech ( IT )Microsoft .Net + Angular / React03 Months
109High-Tech ( IT )Microsoft Certified Azure03 Months
110High-Tech ( IT )Microsoft Dynamics 36503 Months
111High-Tech ( IT )Mobile Application Development03 Months
112High-Tech ( IT )Oracle Database SQL or PL/SQL03 Months
113High-Tech ( IT )Oracle Java+ Angular03 Months
114High-Tech ( IT )Power BI01 Month
115High-Tech ( IT )Project Management (PMP Certification Course)01 Month
116High-Tech ( IT )Python / Django + Angular / React03 Months
117High-Tech ( IT )React Native01 Month
118High-Tech ( IT )Salesforce Certified Administrator01 Month
119High-Tech ( IT )Tableau01 Month
120High-Tech ( IT )Unity Certified Game Development03 Months
121High-Tech ( IT )Unreal Engine Certification03 Months

Executive Director visits NAVTTC partner institute

Executive Director (ED) NAVTTC Mr. Muhammad Amir Jan, along with his team, visited COTHM institute Lahore. COTHM is a partner institute of NAVTTC for imparting skills training of hospitality, chef and tourism courses under Prime Minister’s Youth Skill Development Program.

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KPK TVET convened by NAVTTC in Peshawar

A collaborative meeting of KPK TVET stakeholders was convened by NAVTTC in Peshawar with support provided by GIZ to facilitate stakeholder deliberations on Pakistan’s TVET landscape. Mr. Aamir Jan, Executive Director NAVTTC and Mr. Matiullah Khan, Secretary Industries, Commerce & Technical Education department co-chaired the dialogue.

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NAVTTC and NUTECH signed a MoU

NAVTTC and NUTECH signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for joint collaboration on data sharing for technical and vocational trainings. Access to NVQF software has been given to NUTECH for conduction of CBT & non-CBT certifications.

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